I am a castrated F3 Savannah male cat, born in 2017. Due to circumstances I could no longer live with my previous owner in Belgium and since 2021 I have been living at cattery SavVal.
Not only because of my size I am a striking appearance, but also my eyes are very special. I have heterochromia. This means that I have two different colored eyes. My owner describes me as a sweet, smart and loyal tomcat and when she is near I like to cuddle and crawl on her lap. I prefer to always be close to her.
By cat standards I am almost a senior cat, but I still love to play. Especially with other cats.
I find other cats super interesting! Only I am a bit bigger and stronger and the other cats sometimes find playing with me a bit too exciting... Luckily my owners also like to play with me.
My favorite activity is walking, in our large backyard. I wear a harness, because when I walk freely, the chickens from the neighbors are a bit too tempting. When I walk on my harness, I still have complete freedom. I decide where we walk and I can sniff all the plants and flowers. And very occasionally, when I have shown my best side, I am allowed to go exploring without my harness under the strict supervision of my owner. But even then, I actually prefer to stay close to my owner.